When you are in the presence of fellow moms of children with disabilities and unique needs, who “get you” with only a glance in the eyes, it is comforting and transformative.
A retreat is an opportunity for respite, rest and relaxation away from home, and away from the everyday world of intense caregiving. A time to connect with other brave moms and share stories, tears, laughter, and resources for self-care, family-care, and the altered motherhood journey.
We Are Brave Together aims to provide these retreats at a reasonable rate, making them accessible for moms to have this much needed break. Our retreat fee covers housing, food, speaker sessions and goodie bags.
We are excited to be able to offer Retreat Scholarships for each retreat. You can find our application here.
Sisterhood support and validation is at the heart of each of our support groups around the country. Our leaders have created sacred spaces for you to share, and be seen, heard and understood. We always have a chair for you.
If you are interested in starting your own WABT Support Group in your city or area, we can offer guidelines to get you started. For more information, contact wearebravetogether@gmail.com.
Sometimes it feels like your emotions, needs and concerns are both ongoing and yet, ever-changing, just like those of your child. We hope to provide education and inspiration for your needs and the needs of your family.
For all our in-person retreats, support groups and events, we have provided a few forms here for your convenience.
Please make sure to complete the WABT Waiver and bring to the in-person event you are attending. Thank you.
Retreat Scholarship Application
So You Want to Be a Connection Circle Leader?
Connection Circle Leader Application
“In the thick of it, and in the midst of crisis after crisis, I had the pleasure of attending a WABT retreat. I felt seen and heard in ways I had never experienced. It was the hug my heart needed. I am forever grateful to have connected with other moms and share in our uncommon yet common journeys. Thankful for these connections. Before WABT retreat, I felt so alone in my journey, and when I left, I no longer felt alone.”
— Julia H.