Our Mission
We Are Brave Together is a nonprofit organization that provides respite, community, and resources for mothers caring for children of any age with disabilities, unique needs, or other medical or mental health challenges.
Our Founder
Jessica Patay is passionate about serving caregiving moms and creating authentic communities. She has always fostered deep, life-giving friendships and has been intentional about her community of girlfriends. As a caregiving mom herself, this passion carries on as she gathers women to encourage them, mentor them, inspire them, and validate their intense and precious journeys.
Her own story as a mom to a child with a disability, began in 2003 when her second son, Ryan, was born and diagnosed with a rare, genetic disorder, called Prader-Willi syndrome. Within two days of receiving this diagnosis, she received a phone call from a mentor mom from the Prader-Willi California Foundation. Immediately she felt relief and comfort knowing she was NOT ALONE. Thankfully, Ryan is sandwiched in the middle of siblings Luke and Kate, both fierce and loving cheerleaders and helpers to Ryan.
If Jessica could show up on every mother’s doorstep, with flowers, chocolate, a witty-and-wise motherhood manual, and…a gorgeous banner that says, “You are not alone,” she would. And you never know, she just may do this. The We Are Brave Together organization was born out of this desire and heart.
Jessica Patay has fueled WABT’s growth into an international community of over 3000 moms. She has helped launch over 25 support groups all over the United States, and in New Zealand and Australia, in the last five years. She is the host of our podcast, “Brave Together Parenting with Jessica Patay” found on Apple, Spotify, Amazon and YouTube. Brave Together Parenting is in its 7th season and has offered a library of inspirational stories and resources for moms in the trenches of caregiving.
Her favorite topics:
The Power of Community
You Are Worthy of Rest, Respite and Connection
What Our Children Teach Us
What About the Siblings in the Family?
The Cyclical Grief in Caring For a Child with a Disability
Self-Care is Not a Curse Word
Our Leadership
Board Of Directors
Brian Altounian
Lora DeMello
Stephanie Fleck
Jessica Patay
Anthony Rivello
Anthony Rivello, President
Lora DeMello, Secretary
Stephanie Fleck, Treasurer
Partner Podcast
Once Upon A Gene with Effie Parks
This or Something Better
Episode 56: We Are Brave Together with Jessica Patay
Aired 11/30/21
Be The Good with Christy McCafferty
Supporting Mothers of Special Needs Children
Aired 11/22/21
Child Life On Call
The Special Needs Mom Podcast with Kara Ryska
Episode: Never Off Shift with Jessica Patay
Aired 2/18/21
Just Two Dads YouTube Channel
Episode 21: We Are Brave Together
Aired 1/13/21
Families That Stick Togather
Mindful Inspiration Champion
Episode 41: What Special Needs Motherhood Requires
Aired 6/25/21
The Rare Life with Madeline Cheney
Aired 1/14/21